Destined for Deception by Sandra Tilley and Suzanne Purvis

Destined for Deception by Sandra Tilley and Suzanne Purvis
Publisher: Prism Books
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (63 pgs)
Heat: Sweet
Rated 4 stars
Reviewed by Snapdragon

Beneath the emerald waves, churn deception, corruption, and murder…

Forensic accountant Drew Arnoud could be on vacation. Instead, he’s investigating misappropriation of BP’s oil spill settlement funds in the beachside town of Destin, Florida. Having his kayak tipped by head hunting specialist Bree Finley could be a coincidence, or could she be involved? Either way he’s keeping her close, maybe too close. In his search to reveal the truth, he finds his life and his heart in jeopardy.

Bree Finley has been betrayed before by her ex-husband, but is it possible he’s involved her and their company in criminal activities and fraud? Who can she trust? She must decide, but the wrong decision may prove deadly.

In all, this is a look at the darker side of paradise; crowds, cruise boats full of drunks, and clueless objectionable local law enforcement. There’s also the open waters of the gulf; light and beauty and sailboats and yet, still that dark side, giving it all a rather ‘real’ quality.

The setting cleverly parallels the story – with the harsh reality of having to solve a crime (Suicide? Murder? Theft?) smacking headlong against the two people meeting, and realizing, possibly…the possibilities.

Our heroine in Destined for Deception, Bree Finley, has a boring day job, and yearns for the chance to speed across waves, and enjoy the beauty of the naturall world. Forensic Accountant Drew isn’t there for the paradise part at all, but to research a potential crime and is only frustrated by the sheriff, and a complex array of evidence.

The mystery is both interesting and a bit complex, as Drew tries to figure out who is involved, either in murder or the misappropriation of funds – if it is several people or one, and if…somehow…even distantly…Bree’s company might be involved. The romance part is much more promising, right from the start.

Destined for Deception has it all – sharks and sunshine, hope and fun, obvious chemistry! Will make a great beach-read!

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