Deep Green by Trisha Haddad

Deep Green by Trisha Haddad
Published by Eternal Press
Genre: Contemporary, YA, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (167 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rated: 3.5 stars
Review by Snapdragon

Adrift in a lifeboat with strangers, each holding a deep secret…

Leah Taylor prefers the quiet adventure and romance of books, but during a cruise with her parents, a terrorist attack leaves her adrift in a lifeboat with strangers.
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University student, Blue McCree impresses her immediately with his knowledge of literature and philosophy, but equally thrilling is strong, dark ,Musir. While Musir is slow to speak, translating his thoughts from Arabic to English, his chivalry and wisdom capture Leah’s curiosity.

Together they face danger after danger as they fight for survival. Leah also struggles with the growing attention from the men she’s stranded with, and her mixed emotions toward them.

When Leah learns the dark secrets her fellow survivors hold, the truth will blow apart any semblance of civility and test Leah’s preconceived notions of just how far dedication can go before it crosses over into fanaticism.

Deep Green’s greatest moments are in the incredible descriptions of the ocean, of a world apart from normal life, and the beauty of a rare perspective. Although the descriptions are well done, the action is what will keep you reading. Teen Leah ends up in a lifeboat, struggling to survive among strangers. They are all distinct, different people, with different attitudes and beliefs. Together, they confront an ocean full of dangers, uncomfortable truths … but coping ‘together’ is a challenge. They struggle for basic survival – their plight is physically challenging; but also more. Leah finds herself drawn to two of the other survivors, and finds herself torn between the two.

In the face of circumstances, readers will find themselves wondering about the fate of those on the cruise ship, Leah’s parents and other family; it seems unrealistic that Leah is thrust into a ‘personal growth’ story that includes potential romance, in the face of such worry and potential/probably heartache. Although well-written, this aspect was a distraction throughout the story.

Leah, who started off as a bit of a smart-alec teen, copes with the men, the boat, and their eventual landfall, with growing courage. She’s a wonderful character, not supremely confident, but driven by the desire to do the right thing. Overall, this is very readable and events are unpredictable.

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