Daddy’s Sunshine by Olivia Joy

Daddy’s Sunshine by Olivia Joy
Publisher: Tygerseye Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Welcome to the AirB&D! We hope you enjoy your stay.

James Lawrey is a CEO with plenty of cred in corporate circles and plenty of cash to go with it. Privately, though, he’s learned the hard way that it might be impossible to find the one thing he can’t buy–a young man to look after who wants and needs a real Daddy, not just a sugar daddy.

Textile artist Rye Henry’s last relationship went up in flames when his ex told him it was time to grow up. Rye’s got a lucrative business of his own, so he needs a lover who isn’t going to try to change him, a Daddy who wants his true devotion.

Both men drop a pretty penny to experience a few days at the AirB&D, a swanky vacation home in Maine, for a fantasy that’s exactly what they’re looking for. Even if it only lasts one weekend.

But could they get more than their money’s worth?

Of course. Just leave it to the matchmaker.

James and Rye have both paid a pretty penny for a weekend of their dreams at a very specific AirB&B, one that caters to certain men with a certain fantasy in mind. Will they find the weekend exactly to their taste, or will they both end up craving more?

This is a lovely short story that I was delightfully surprised by. While the concept isn’t particularly new I really enjoyed the small differences that made this thoroughly modern and the snippets of hints we learn about the two matchmakers running the AirB&B itself. Most importantly though I adored the two main characters – James and Rye – and found they both exceeded my expectations.

I’ve not been particularly drawn to the recent influx of “daddy kink” style of stories. While I don’t mind the trope itself it doesn’t really fully resonate with me so I was a little hesitant to read another story with that as a strong aspect to it. I’m glad that I allowed myself to be swayed into giving this story a whirl though as while the kink was certainly present, I found it didn’t overwhelm the story and both James and Rye’s personalities and characters shone through.

I felt the author did a good job balancing between the romance and the erotic aspects of this story. I thought the connection and blossoming love between James and Rye was well handled and while they only had a weekend to forge a bond together, I found it largely believable and the two characters very well suited. There is some very mild BDSM (a very small bit of kink and spanking) but for the most part I feel readers who don’t usually enjoy those elements shouldn’t be too put off by it.

Fun and short this was a lovely, erotic short story that I quite enjoyed.

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