But For Freedom by Elizabeth Rodger

But For Freedom by Elizabeth Rodger
Book 1: Across the Sea Beyond Skye
Publisher: Lillibett Books
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (346 pages)
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Lavender

At the Battle of Culloden, fought in 1746 near Inverness, Scotland, a superior force led by William, Duke of Cumberland, and younger son of George II, routed a Highland army supporting the pretender to the throne, Bonnie Prince Charlie. Ordered by London to ‘give no quarter’, the Duke showed little mercy in the destruction of the Highland culture as his troops scoured the glens burning homes, destroying crops, appropriating livestock, resulting in the ethnic cleansing of the region.

The foreword explains why the Battle occurred by following the line of succession through the House of Stuart, and the determination by the House of Hanover to retain the throne of Britain.
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The story followed the tribulations of Donald and Morag MacKenzie and their children after the torching of their home. Enduring a winter of hardship in a remote area of the coastline, emigration to the New World seemed the only hope of survival. After a harrowing passage on a disease-ridden schooner, the loss of the youngest daughter to dysentery, they arrived at Yorktown where Donald was sold into slavery on a tobacco plantation, indentured for a portion of the fares. Since the location of the plantation was in the vicinity of Williamsburg, Morag and the children traveled there and were sheltered on a small farm owned by an old Scots woman, Missiemac. Morag and the eldest son, Robbie, assumed the heavy chores on the farm while pursuing employment in town, hoping to save enough from their meager incomes to purchase the release of Donald. A loving relationship grew between Robbie and the crusty old Scot who came to look upon him as a son. She encouraged him to learn hunting skills from an old Indian, Netab. This proficiency enabled him to secure a supply of meat for the survival of the family during the first winter. During one of his hunting trips, he met and befriended a boy of his age, Jonathon Drysdale, whose father in his capacity as a school master encouraged Robbie academically. Meanwhile, Donald dealt with the obsessive quest for wealth by the plantation owner, Colonel George Pennington, pressuring his foremen to gain top productivity, the security of their positions relative to the level of viciousness inflicted on the slaves.

The book starts out in the thick of the action, on the battlefield of Culloden, 1745; then we, the readers see the aftermath of the English doing a Highland Clearing. We follow a family through hardships, distress, and courage. Their struggles are brilliantly written, with all the sense details we need to almost feel what they’re feeling.

The family makes their way to the new world, specifically Virginia. There, readers are treated to excellent day-to-day survival details that immerse one in this world beautifully. The storyline itself is engaging, as are the characters. What will happen to this family and their friends?

When the father is indentured, things seem particularly difficult, but there is hope, as one exciting thing after another unfolds.

The dialogue is written to reflect a heavy accent, and at times this can be tedious; though, this gives readers a good sense of heritage.

It is fun to get a peek into Scottish then American life in this era, seen through the eyes of a family, their friends, and their enemies—foes who mean them real harm. Tender moments add a touch of appeal in between harsher realities. Readers of historical fiction are sure to love this story, which is continued in another book.

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