Building Us by Lynn Townsend

Building Us by Lynn Townsend
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (16 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

As a construction foreman, Eric knows how to build a house. What he’s uncertain of is how to build a life, now that he’s finally found the man he wants to spend his with. Temple, a university professor with a stack of erudite publications as long as his arm has always played the single’s game, until he meets Eric.

Will a roof-top proposal lead to “I do” or will the whole thing fall apart when Eric can’t put a ring on it?

Eric is a working man – a builder and roofer, well used to dirt and construction sites. Temple is a tenured professor, urbane, neat and well educated. Never in a million years did Eric think he’d end up with a man like Temple, but he loves the professor to pieces. Despite delays and disasters, Eric insists Temple come up on the roof and hammer in the last nail, finalizing their new home together. Eric and Temple are solid – as structurally sound as the house Eric’s just built, but that doesn’t mean life can’t still throw them curve balls.

This is a really sweet, softly funny story of two men already deep in love trying to take the next step together, and all the twists and turns life can hand them. I found myself laughing aloud at times, and sighing happily at others. The author does an amazing job, filling both Eric and Temple with life and vibrancy. I instantly found myself attached to both characters, and loving their difference as much as their similar love for each other. Neither man is a cliché, or arrogant, but the strength of their love for each other is a real joy to read.

Hot and sensual, but also really sweet and gentle, this is a short story for those low on time but still wanting some spicy reading. Temple and Eric really captured my imagination and their sweetness and evident love had the romance reader in me deeply satisfied. Light, fun reading, this is a book I can heartily recommend.

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