Boots and the Rogue by Myla Jackson

Boots and the Rogue by Myla Jackson
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (143 pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Lisianthus

There’s more than one way to feed a hungry man.

Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 10

Brody McFarlan left home eight years ago after he and his younger brother had a falling-out over a girl. When a frantic phone call sends him racing home, he’s astounded to learn the truth. Mom isn’t sick, she’s threatening to sell the ranch—unless he and his brothers get busy settling down.

With Mom on strike, Brody uneasily settles in to help—and find a replacement cook before he starves.

Fired from her last job, Jessie Taylor is forced to ride out on her horse, leaving her car behind. Hot, tired and homeless, she stumbles onto the Ugly Stick Saloon, grateful to pick up a spatula in trade for a burger to fill her belly and a much-needed rest for her road-weary mount.

One bite of Jessie’s tasty burger, and Brody offers the rough-and-tumble blonde a job and a stall. It doesn’t hurt that she’s sexy as hell, and he hungers for a taste of her sweet pink mouth. The only bur under his saddle is the grudge he still carries…and the fear that his brother will once again swoop in to steal the pretty filly right out from under him.

Sometimes the best thing is to go home again. Brody McFarlan is home after eight years, and Jessie is yearning for a home of her own. These two are fated from the moment Jessie decks Brody and he calls her horse ugly.

Brody’s mom has given the boys an ultimatum of find a lady love in two months or he sells the ranch, and this time crunch helps the shorter length of this story really work. Brody and Jesse have the chemistry, the banter and they’re both yearning to find their center and home.

Brody has unique talent, and doesn’t know if he can fit in in Texas anymore, but then he finds himself in love with Jesse and reconsidering all he thought. I really liked that he realized what he wanted and found a way to do it, and in such a way that it made my heart smile. I haven’t read all of these books but I have read enough of them that I enjoyed seeing past characters.

However, I can definitely say that is a story that can be enjoyed and read all by itself. I highly recommend it and look forward to any future stories revolving around the Ugly Stick Saloon.

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