Bloody Sexy by CL Bledsoe

Bloody Sexy by CL Bledsoe
Publisher: Etopia Press
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (267 pgs)
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Thistledown

Not all vampires suck.

Daisy Janney—college student, assistant mortician, and supernatural detective—is excited about her friend John Polidori’s new book, Bloody Sexy, the autobiography of his life as a vampire. But when someone attacks Polidori at the book reading, Daisy will have to figure out who’s after him on her own. There’s a killer on the loose, and Nathan Venator, the hero of Baltimore (although he looks more like a young Johnny Cash), has got his hands full tracking him down. If that wasn’t enough, it seems like everyone’s in a relationship except Daisy, even her mom. So when Daisy agrees to go on a date with someone who just might be the killer, she begins to wonder how she’s going to juggle her classes, her investigations, and her social life—all without winding up in the funeral home at which she works.

If you take a job in a funeral home, you better be prepared for the weird, the ugly and the undead.

In this second book in a rocking hot series, Daisy finds herself hip deep in the hidden world behind what everyone else thinks is normal. Her bosses have begun to reveal some of their secrets and Polidori, a vampire Daisy saved from an inopportune staking in the first book has found himself in the line of fire from someone who does not want the true and unvarnished history of vampires out in the open.

When girls start to go missing, a serial killer is suspected. Nathan, a supernatural bounty hunter joins with Daisy as she tries to help her bosses solve the case. Being a student and part time associate should really pay more. Especially if she has to fight serial killers.

The homeless brigade of supernatural beings and the vampire legend of Polidori was a great story element and I loved the way the historical figure was represented. Finding out who was stalking him and the courage Daisy exhibits when she goes in defense of the vampire was truly great.

I was hooked with the voice of this book from the start. It didn’t matter to me that it was the second book and I hadn’t read the first one. It was clear and touched on necessary topics that led me right into the story and into the finer points of the plot and the tensions going on at the funeral home. The world building was stellar and I sucked up every detail. This is a book I wanted to sneak away on breaks and read. That I stayed up way too late and had a twitch when it was over, making me reach for the phone to request the first book in the series. Like now…right freaking now. Lol.

Now there isn’t much in the way of romance, but there is some sexual tension going on with Nathan. Here is me hoping in future books there will be some bed hopping chemistry but I loved it just the same. The snark and interaction with the characters, paired with the supernatural elements and the surprise twist with the serial killer was a jaw dropper and I started to snort through my hand in the middle of the break room. Awesome CL. I love your twisted mind. You are an inspiration to me and I bow down before you.

Oh-and I want many, many more books with Daisy. She kicks some monster butt.

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