Backyard Herbal Remedies: A Beginners Guide to Identifying, Foraging, and Wildcrafting Herbal Remedies Straight From Nature by Krista Edwards

Backyard Herbal Remedies: A Beginners Guide to Identifying, Foraging, and Wildcrafting Herbal Remedies Straight From Nature by Krista Edwards
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Non-Fiction, Contemporary, Historical
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Have you ever wondered if there was a better more natural way to care for the health of you and your loved ones? It may be waiting for you right outside your door!
Does the idea of foraging sound fun and intriguing, but at the same time scary and intimidating?
This book is written for the person starting from scratch. It is written for the person who knows there is a better way to supporting health naturally, but whose only prior use for dandelions was to make a wish. This book breaks things down to a very basic easy to understand level. In Backyard Herbal Remedies you will learn:
How to identify basic botany characteristics to help you identify plants safely and correctly.
How and when to harvest each herb
Which parts of the herb to harvest and how to process it.
How to wildcraft sustainably
How to make different herbal preparations, such as teas, tinctures, decoctions, poultices and more.
Herbal energetics and herbal actions- how to match an herb to the situation.
How to use 18 common backyard “weeds” to use for remedies, what they do, and how to use them.
Recipes for each herb to help you incorporate them into your daily life.
Resources to use on your journey to becoming an herbalist.
If you are ready to take the first step towards sustainable self-reliance for your health and that of your loved ones, I invite you to read this book and join me on your plant journey!

Knowledge is power.

This was an excellent introduction to herbal remedies and how to use them. Because it assumed the reader knew nothing about the subject, the author explained everything about it in clear detail and was quick to warn readers about plants that should not be used by certain groups like pregnant women or people who have certain health conditions or that are too dangerous for beginners to try to identify because, for example, there may be very similar species that are poisonous or they are not easy to properly and safely prepare for human consumption. Those are some of my concerns when I think about trying new herbal remedies, and I was relieved to see them addressed so clearly when necessary.

It was pleasantly surprising to find so many recipes for various types of food here. I assumed that this would mostly be about medicinal teas and lotions, so it was cool to be proven wrong and to see so many other options for consumption included as well such as cookies, soups, a unique type of ketchup, and even a few mixed drinks that include various herbs and other plants. If only mainstream medicine included such delicious options for treating common health problems and feeling better.

Ms. Edwards struck a sensible balance between encouraging her readers to follow medical advice, especially for any serious or persistent conditions, and feeling confident in the use of herbal remedies and traditional Chinese medicine for ailments that can be partially or fully treated safely at home. As someone who has an illness that is treated both pharmaceutically and with certain types of alternative medicine, it was refreshing to read a book that did not pit either method of treatment against the other. Both types of treatment can be necessary and beneficial to one’s health!

I appreciated the gentle humor. Even if it is healthy, not every herbal infusion or syrup is necessarily going to conform to what most modern people generally eat or drink, so the author was quick to point out which recipes might take a little while to get used to and what someone can do to help them taste better in the meantime. This pattern repeated itself with amusing stories about things like the dangers of collecting nettles without wearing gloves even for people who have been doing this for years and believe it might not sting so much this time around. The occasional funny moments only made this an even better read than it already was.

Backyard Herbal Remedies: A Beginners Guide to Identifying, Foraging, and Wildcrafting Herbal Remedies Straight From Nature was filled with valuable advice that I will be referencing regularly in the future.

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