All Fired Up by Nikki Dee Houston

All Fired Up by Nikki Dee Houston
Publisher: Etopia Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (110 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Stephanotis

Fires aren’t all that’s sizzling at Hillwood Station…

Cindy always wanted to be a fire fighter. When she tops the class in the rookie academy, she takes her first job at the small but busy Hillwood Fire Station—as their first female firefighter. Some of the crew don’t appreciate a woman trying to do a man’s job. But when the crew risks their lives in a series of factory fires, Cindy’s determined to not just keep up, but to excel.

But the fires aren’t the only thing smoldering at Hillwood. When Cindy comes face-to-face with the real-life, fireman-calendar pinup, she’s left feeling shaky and gasping for breath. Their attraction is white-hot, the sex is sizzling, and there’s no such thing as enough when it comes to their lovemaking. But things turn nasty when a dark past comes back to haunt Cindy, jeopardizing her career before it’s even really begun…

Cindy ‘Cinders’ is a likable character who you connect with straight away as she heads into the fire station to become the department’s sole female on the team. Dave isn’t just the captain of the squad, but Mr. April too. He’s perfectly described by Ms. Houston and you can picture him both on the job and on the pages of the calendar.

I really liked the setting and theme of this story: the workings of a busy station and the sometimes bias women face in what’s usually a male profession. I felt it was well handled and portrayed by the author.

What I would have liked is more of a slow build up to Cindy and Dave’s encounters. Things happen quickly between them and I believe some sexual tension brewing gradually would have added to the heat of some very sexy scenes.

Besides that it’s a realistic read, fact paced, and if you like hunky firefighters and some heat, this might be a good book for you.

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