A Pre-Date Encounter by Ellen Heights

A Pre-Date Encounter by Ellen Heights
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (40 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Amy needs confidence if she’s to seduce Andrew, the older man she has been waiting for. When they meet unexpectedly before their scheduled date, Amy has to decide whether to leave or give Andrew a taste of what’s to come.

Amy is into older guys, but the long hours at work makes it hard to meet the strong, reliable men she’s after. When she connects with theatre director Andrew on a dating website, she can’t wait to meet him for their first date.

Best friend Roxanne provides the perfect outfit at her boutique in London, happy Amy is being adventurous, but Amy isn’t so sure. Dating a guy she really wants is uncharted territory.

Wearing her new dress, Amy is ready to face her date when she unexpectedly bumps into Andrew outside the changing room. Fearing the date is ruined, Amy has to make a decision. Will she shy away or embrace this opportunity to show Andrew what she is made of?

Amy is a twenty two year old working in her first “real” job. With everything else in her life moving along well, she’s decided to stop the causal hit-and-miss style of dating and be honest with herself. Online dating gives her something more traditional methods can’t – easy access to older men’s profiles. For a while now she’s been deeply attracted to men approximately twice her age, and now she’s ready to try it instead of just being dissatisfied with guys her own age. Eager and nervous about her first date with an older man, she goes to a friend’s store to get a good outfit. While trying on a flattering dress, she bumps into the very man she’s dressing for – Andrew.

I found this to be a fast paced, sexy hot read. Not for the faint of heart it’s full of chemistry and sexual indulgences. While there was the legitimate threat of them being caught out at any moment, I found the interactions between Amy and Andrew vivid, hot and really well written.

I was a bit surprised and distracted with how negative Amy could be sometimes, particularly about herself. Reading about a heroine who puts herself down cooled off some of my enjoyment of the book – despite the fact it’s something all too common for most women. Like when Andrew is a few minutes later than her to their pre-arranged lunch date – I was a bit shocked when Amy automatically assumes he’s had enough and isn’t meeting with her. While I can totally understand her nerves, and her lack of self-confidence, it was a bit jarring to me how she frequently thought the worst of herself and everyone’s reactions. I also was a little disappointed at the place the author ended the story. On the one hand I understand the logic behind leaving the story right on the cusp of Amy and Andrew starting out and allowing the reader’s imagination to take over. But on the flip side, personally, I think it would have been lovely to at least go as far as the end of that particular scene. So while this detracted a little for me – I know many readers will be just as happy to let the scene unfold in their own minds, rather than read further.

This is a short story, and overall I thought was well paced and very well written. Amy is a well-rounded character I enjoyed and could easily relate to. Andrew is a little less clear– but the story is from Amy’s point of view and the two are just getting to know each other – so that’s to be expected. For the most part I thought this was a sexy, fun and hot read about two people hooking up and finding some sizzling chemistry together. The erotic encounters were fast paced and really drew me in. I enjoyed seeing the start of Amy and Andrew’s blossoming relationship and thought it was an exciting, sensual story.

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