A May Day Anthology

Cover_a May Day anthology
A May Day Anthology by Christine Young, C. L. Kraemer, Rosemary Indra and Genie Gabriel
Publisher: Rogue Phoenix Press
Genre: Contemporary, Historical, Fantasy
Length: Full (227 pgs)
Heat: Sensual
Rated: 4 Stars
Review by Rose

May Day has been celebrated since Roman times with dancing, baskets of flowers, and bonfires. In this collection of May Day stories, Rogue’s Angels–Christine Young, C.L. Kraemer, Rosemary Indra and Genie Gabriel–continue the celebration with humor, faeries and falling in love.

Highland Miracle — Christine Young

HURTLED THROUGH TIME, Sean Michael Sterling, landed in the midst of a May Day celebration he didn’t understand, assuming the role of Laird Sterling. ILLIGITAMATE CHILD OF NOBILITY, Reagan Douglas searches for a way out of her half brother’s house.

Defying the Odds — C.L. Kraemer

The night elves on the hill aren’t happy without their magic. They concoct a plan to punish those who were involved in the act that rendered them almost human. Meanwhile, Uther, the rogue night elf, has returned to woo the Librarian to be his eternal mate.

Love in Bloom — Rosemary Indra

When childhood friends reunite it takes two fairies and a matchmaking daughter to help them admit their true love for each other.

No More Poodle Skirts — Genie Gabriel

After drifting for years in the innocent age of the 1950s, a woman struggles to join today’s world by finding a career and a new love, with some help from her zany family.

If you are in the mood for some love, some magic, and some very special animals–not to mention an absent-minded inventer and magical creatures–you are in the right book. Step inside A May Day Anthology for four novellas which will whisk you off to a world where fairies help you find your soulmate (even if that means sending you centuries in the past), where beings who had their magic stripped from them seek revenge (and receive just what they deserve), where fairies play matchmaker, and where love can be found–even the most unexpected places.

Each of these four books are just right for a day’s reading–they are sweet, magical, and highly satisfying. The authors are all new to me and I will definitely be checking out their other works–and a couple of the worlds I would love to see in longer works– especially C.L. Kraemer’s “Defying the Odds” and Genie Gabriel’s “No More Poodle Skirts.” There are secondary characters in both of those novellas I would like to visit again and discover their stories. Christine Young’s “Highland Miracle” and Rosemary Indra’s “Love in Bloom” are cute standalone stories that I thoroughly enjoyed. Kudos to all the others!


  1. Catherine says

    May Day tradition and lore is new to me. Is it something to celebrate spring?
    catherinelee100 at gmai dot com

  2. So glad we were able to lighten your day and bring some adventure to your life. Thank you for your comments.

    May Day has been celebrated, basically, as the official start of days full of sun and fun. Hawaii combines the love of two things and celebrates May Day as Lei Day and hosts a parade down Kalakaua Blvd in Waikiki on the first of May. It’s a signal to put away winter.

  3. Rosemary Indra says

    When I was a child on May 1 — May Day– we would put flowers on our neighbors porch in homemade baskets. After ringing her doorbell we would run and hide. Writing this store brought back a lot of fond childhood memories.

  4. Rosemary Indra says

    Thank you for hosting us today and taking the time to review our May Day Anthology.

  5. Hi, Catherine! C.L. has already answered your question about May Day, so I’ll just say it’s good to see you on this tour! And also say thank you to LASR for hosting us today and taking the time to review our May Day Anthology. I always enjoy my visits here!

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