About Us

* Long and Short Reviews opened its doors August 27, 2007
* As of 12/31/12 we’ve reviewed more than 8900 books and short stories
* As of 12/31/12 we receive over 600 visitors / 1500 page views daily*
* We may be contacted at lasreviews@gmail.com
* We are a “snark free” reviews site.


1 Star – We currently do not review any story with a 1 star rating. If it’s DNF or a “wall-banger” we decline to review.

2 Stars — Not wonderful, but tolerable. There may be some minor editing glitches but not enough to stop you reading. Not a wall-banger, but nothing you’d re-read. This is a book you would borrow from the library – not buy- and never check out again. You might recommend it to a friend with a mention of the glitches, knowing that something in the plot or story would still appeal to them regardless.

3 Stars — Good. Mostly enjoyable. You made it through and didn’t consider it a waste of time or money. The story was strong enough or the conflict tight enough, so even when the book faltered, it was able to draw you back in and keep you. There’s a chance you’ll recommend it to a friend, but it wouldn’t go on your keeper shelf.

4 Stars — Very Good. You’re glad you were the one who got to review the book. You would probably buy it and would definitely recommend it to your friends. You liked the characters and the plot. The writing style was good and the editing clean.

5 Stars — Great! You would definitely buy this book. You would definitely recommend it to your friends. You really loved the characters and the plot and would consider looking for this authors back list or making her an autobuy. The writing and editing were superb.

LASR Best Book – For a book or story that is truly exceptional. You think about it when you’re not reading it. You wonder what happens to the characters when you finish. You would absolutely buy everything else this author had to offer. The highest praise – and reserved for only a few.


SWEET: no visual love scenes and no descriptive kissing;

SENSUAL: Contains a high degree of sexual tension, steamy kisses and passionate clinches, but all fully consummated love scenes will be implied, not described, and with the bedroom door firmly closed.

SPICY: Contains actual love scenes and may include detailed descriptions of foreplay and consummation.

HOT: Contains sizzling and very detailed love scenes throughout and graphic, explicit content which may be offensive to some.


* A Note about Website Visitor Statistics:

Please note — In order for you to accurately understand what kind of traffic a website gets, you should inquire about “VISITORS” and not about “HITS”. Websites who report “hits” are inaccurately reporting their stats, because the number of “hits” does not represent the number of people visiting and viewing your ad.

Here is the definition of a “hit” (from Webopedia): The retrieval of any item, like a page or a graphic, from a Web server. For example, when a visitor calls up a Web page with four graphics, that’s five hits, one for the page and four for the graphics. For this reason, hits often aren’t a good indication of web traffic.

Therefore a graphics heavy site (i.e. one who hosts many cover ads) could potentially have 100+ “hits” for each person who visits one page. If the same person visits ten graphics heavy pages, it could account for 1,000 “hits”. But your ad is only being seen by ONE person.


FTC Disclaimer: Most books reviewed on this site have been provided free of charge by the publisher, author or publicist. On occasion, we review books we have purchased with our own money or borrowed from a public library. Any links to places to purchase books are provided as a convenience, and do not serve as an endorsement by this blog. All reviews are the true and honest opinion of the blogger reviewing the book. The method of acquiring the book does not have a bearing on the content of the review.